Signature Programs
We are dedicated to creating magnet schools throughout our schools. Children who have a special interest or gift towards technology, creative and fine arts, or bilingualism will find their place in our schools. We’re excited about these programs and look forward to continued success.
Dual Language Immersion Program
In our Dual Language Immersion Program, students learn literacy and content in Spanish and in English. This program fosters bilingualism, biliteracy, enhanced awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity, and high levels of academic achievement.
Saugus Union School District offers the program at Highlands Elementary. We began the program during the 2019–2020 academic year with two kindergarten classes and with the intent to add a new grade level as the students progress through the sixth grade. As interest grows, we plan to add more classes at other locations.
SUSD offers the program based on the 90/10 model. As students progress, they will use Spanish most or all of the day in the primary grades (80-90%). In our full-immersion program, teachers use the Spanish language for 100% of subject-matter instruction, and in some cases, also offer specialist classes in the Spanish language. We will use Spanish and English equally in the later grades.
For additional information about Dual Language Immersion (DLI), please view these frequently asked questions or contact Ernestina Aguilar, Ed.D, principal of Highlands Elementary, by phone at 661-294-5320.
Saugus Digital Independent Home Study (SDIHS)
Our SDLA Independent Home Study Program offers parents the choice to educate their children in their home environment through engaging in digital learning with a fully credentialed teacher. It is an alternative public school option for parents of children in transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. Find out more about this great program on the Independent Study page.