Homeless/Foster Youth

Homeless Students

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act defines homeless students as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” The act provides certain protections for homeless students, including student enrollment rights. The Saugus Union School District supports the enrollment, attendance, and achievement of homeless students to ensure they receive equal access to educational opportunities.

If your family is experiencing housing insecurity, please reach out to our homeless liaison for support and guidance by emailing Shannon Cunningham or by calling 661-294-5300, ext. 5124.

If you or somebody you know is experiencing issues related to homelessness, please also consider accessing the free Win: What I Need app through the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. This app will provide you with information related to shelters, food, transit, education, jobs, health, hotlines, crisis support, and more. When searching the app store, you will need to type in “Win: What I Need” to find the app. Your information is private, and the app is free.