Our Governing Board
The Saugus Union School District Governing Board is comprised of five board members who freely dedicate their time and energy to serving our school community. Our board members know that the students always come first; they make every decision with only the best interests of the students in mind.
Please Join Us
We normally hold our SUSD Governing Board meetings a couple of times a month, usually on Tuesday evenings, in the Education Center (SUSD District Office). We hold a closed session at 5:30 p.m. and a public session beginning at 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted.
We may schedule additional special sessions, both closed and public, throughout the year.
Saugus Union School District Trustee Area Map
As required by Education Code 5019.51, California school districts must review and make appropriate adjustments to their trustee areas based on the current national census. The 2020 census data was released to the public and districts on September 27, 2021, for review. School districts are required to ensure that their trustee area boundaries are within a maximum population variance of 10% or less as established by case law and industry practice. Districts must finalize the approval of any changes to the existing trustee area maps by February 28, 2022.
On February 1, 2022, the governing board approved the recommendations given to them by Orbach, Huff & Henderson, LLP, and Cooperative Strategies. The recommended changes kept consistency within the current trustee areas (i.e., each current member represents the same schools) while meeting the requirements of Education Code 5019.2 in addressing the demographic changes to the community found in the 2020 census data. Below is the approved trustee area for Saugus Union School District:
Please understand these boundary lines do not impact the current attendance boundaries for each school. Future census data will be used to make any adjustments needed based on the changing demographics of the community.