The Local Control and Accountability Plan or LCAP is a critical part of California’s school funding system called the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The LCAP plan is a requirement for each school district and county office of education. It is a three-year, district-level plan that outlines the actions, services, and expenditures associated with the base funds and supplemental and concentration funds received as part of LCFF. The plan outlines a district’s goals for students and details the actions, services, staff supports, and professional development that will occur during the three-year plan term to meet the district goals. Further, the LCAP details the specific metrics that we will use to evaluate progress towards meeting those goals.
Included with each LCAP is an annual update section which describes the progress associated with activities during the previous year, shows the actual expenditures made for each action, and shows the progress made related to each metric included in the plan. Because situations occur during a school year that may require alterations in the initial plan, the update section allows the community to see the progress made on each year’s LCAP and to see the refinements that we will consider in the coming year.
Education Code (5260 and 54604) requires that each district’s LCAP meet the eight state priorities and include the required state metrics appropriate to the school district structure (for example, the graduation rate is only for districts that include secondary schools in their organization). The LCAP addresses the needs of all students within the district and the offerings of the core instructional program, but it must specifically address the use of supplemental and/or concentrations funds in meeting the specific needs of its Unduplicated Students (UDP) or English learners, foster youth, and low-income students. The LCAP must detail how it will principally direct the actions/services detailed within the plan towards UDP students and how the district will increase or improve services for this group.
Stakeholder engagement is a major condition of constructing the LCAP. Districts are required to consult a variety of stakeholders in developing their LCAP (for example, parents, students, staff, administrators, union leadership, parent leader organizations, SELPA representatives, etc.). We can accomplish consultation with stakeholder groups using meetings, surveys, evaluations, and more. Districts are also required to consult with their district-level Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), and their District English Learner Parent Advisory Committee (DELAC) to provide input on the development of the LCAP. We must address comments from these groups, in writing, by the Superintendent.
Education Code sections 52060 and 52064 require local educational agencies (LEAs) to adopt an LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) by July 1, using the template adopted by the SBE (State Board of Education). Prior to adopting the local LCAP, provide public notification and hold a public hearing before the governing board of the district. The public hearing for the LCAP is on the same night as the public hearing for the district budget. The governing board must then adopt the LCAP at a public meeting, which must be after the public hearing and on a separate day from the public hearing. The adoption of the LCAP is on the same night, prior to, the adoption of the District budget. The local county office of education has until August to formally approved the LCAP and Budget and it may request changes from the district prior to approval.
- Expanded Learning Opportunity Program Plan: 2024–2025
- Saugus Union 2024–2025 LCAP
- Superintendent/Designee Responses to Questions/Comments to the LCAP 2024–2025
- Respuestas de la superintendente / persona designada a preguntas / comentarios sobre el plan de rendición de cuentas con control local LCAP 2024–2025