Asset Management Advisory Committee
This committee is comprised of unpaid volunteers from the community. These individuals completed an application and were selected by the governing board.
- James Shea, Chairperson, Community Representative
- Lisa Eichman, Vice Chairperson, Business Representative
- Bob Aholt, Landowner/Renter Representative
- Peter Gaytan, District Administrator Representative
- Kevin Kim, Person of Expertise Representative
- Jennifer Larson, Parent Representative
- Al Reano, District Composition Representative
- Kathi Lund, Community Representative
- Brandon Holtzclaw, District Teacher Representative
This committee was established to complete the following items required by Education Code 17390.
- Review the projected school enrollment and other data as provided by the district to determine the amount of surplus space and real property;
- Establish a priority list of use of surplus space and real property that will be acceptable to the community;
- Cause to have circulated throughout the attendance area a priority list of surplus space and real property and provide for hearings of community input to the committee on acceptable uses of space and real property;
- Make a final determination of limits of tolerance of use of space and real property;
- Forward to the district governing board a report recommending uses of surplus space and real property.
If you would like to contact the Asset Management Advisory Committee, please email Shellie Gibson, who will forward your message to the appropriate committee member.
Other Documents
- Asset Management Advisory Committee Board Presentation – March 26, 2024
- Resolution 2023-24 # 61 – Establishing Asset Management Advisory Committee – March 26, 2024
- SUSD Governing Board Approval of Asset Management Advisory Committee Members – June 25, 2024
- Sample Draft Recommendation Report – Not discussed due to meeting cancelation on September 18, 2024.
- Community Comments Charts presented by Bob Aholt – December 11, 2024
- Community Comment Charts presented by James Shea – December 11, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did the Saugus Union School District Governing Board form the Asset Management Advisory Committee?
The Committee was formed by the governing board on March 26, 2024, pursuant to California Education Code 17388, et seq. in order to receive recommendations regarding options and recommendations for the former Santa Clarita Elementary School property.
Who is a member of the Asset Management Advisory Committee?
Pursuant to California Education Code section 17389, the committee must consist of at least seven but no more than eleven members from a list of candidates that submit written applications representing each of the following:
- The ethnic, age group, and socioeconomic composition of the district;
- The business community, such as store owners, managers, or supervisors;
- Landowners or renters, with preference to be given to representative’s neighborhood associations;
- Teachers;
- Administrators;
- Parents/guardians of students; and
- Persons with expertise of environmental, legal construction, and/or land use planning, including, but not limited to, knowledge of the zoning and other land use restriction of the city and county of Los Angeles in which surplus space and real property is located.
What is the role of the committee pursuant to Education Code requirements?
California Education Code section 17390 lists the following as the role of the committee:
- Review the projected school enrollment and other data as provided by the district to determine the amount of surplus space and real property;
- Establish a priority list of use of the surplus property that will be acceptable to the community;
- Cause to have circulated throughout the attendance area a priority list of the surplus property and provide for hearings of community input to the committee on acceptable uses of space and real property, including the sale or lease of the surplus property for childcare development purposes pursuant to Education Code section 17458;
- Make a final determination regarding the limits of tolerance of the surplus property; and
- Forward to the district’s governing board a report recommending uses of the surplus property.
How can the information that has been presented to the committee be accessed?
All information related to the committee can be accessed on the website here on this page.
Is low-income housing being considered for the property?
No. Statutorily authorized Employee Housing options for Saugus Union School District employees were scheduled to be presented to the committee at the September 18, 2024, meeting. All statutorily authorized use options are presented so the committee can make informed recommendations to the governing board.
No low-income housing proposals have been submitted or are being considered.
How are committee meetings noticed/advertised?
Committee meeting notices mirror those of the Saugus Union School District Governing Board Meetings. They are posted to the district website and frequently appear in local news sources.