School of the Week Highlights
We appreciate our involved parents and community members. We also enjoy broadcasting our latest news and information here on our News page, where we will chronicle school activities and student achievements and publish announcements. We’ll also offer helpful resources and information. So check back often; we’ll update it regularly.

North Park Elementary School
Here are some happenings from North Park Elementary.

Highlands Elementary School
Here are some happenings from Highlands Elementary.

Mountainview Elementary – Professional Learning Teams
Classroom teachers worked collaboratively to create professional learning team norms.

Mountainview Elementary – Problem Solving
Students in Ms. Payre’s classroom demonstrated their mathematical problem solving skills in small groups.

Mountainview Elementary – Playground Expectations
Students learn The Way We Play at Mountainview playground expectations on the first few days of school.

Mountainview Elementary – Social Emotional Learning
Students in Miss Mandel’s class created friendship bracelets as part of their social emotional learning (SEL) time.