Our District

The Saugus Union School District is located in Santa Clarita Valley in Northern Los Angeles County. Currently, we have approximately 9,117 students attending 15 schools. All of our schools offer a preschool program, with approximately 275 special education and general education preschool students enrolled district wide.

We Have It All

We care about each student and are dedicated to providing an education that allows all of our students to succeed. We proudly offer a challenging academic curriculum supplemented with a variety of extracurricular programs and services that enhance the student learning experience.

2022–2025 Superintendent Goals

To help all members of the Saugus Union family (parents, community members, and staff) understand the goals of the superintendent established by the governing board, we have created a series of articles that detail three major projects associated with each goal. We hope that this information will provide transparency on major projects the district is working on, provide accurate information about the current district needs, and provide additional information related to each larger goal to help families, staff, and community members understand the direction of the district. The challenges faced in public education are numerous, but with clear goals, strong plans, and regular communication, we will ensure that we face each challenge and overcome any obstacles they may present.

We encourage you to review these important topics and information:

  • Goal 1: Facilitate systems and implement actions/projects that ensure the physical safety of school facilities and the emotional safety and well-being of students and staff within each facility.
    • Project A: Refine plans and actions for phase two of “single point of entry projects” to ensure that each site’s perimeter protection meets recommended prevention tools and provides appropriate security for the regular use of the facility by its community partners.
    • Project B: Develop plans and actions to ensure that seismic safety (earthquake) needs, specifically on AB 300 sites (six sites), are appropriately addressed and remedied.
    • Project C: Refine district practices, protocols, training, and messaging to ensure that bullying or discrimination are not experienced on a school campus and that when someone reports a case of bullying or discrimination, it is appropriately investigated and addressed by school staff.
    • 2022–2025 Superintendent Goals Article 1
  • Goal 2: Facilitate systems and implement actions/projects that increase student, staff, and parent engagement and input in school activities to ensure stronger school connections.
    • Project A: Implement a plan, expectations, and actions to ensure that social-emotional needs of students and staff are addressed through systematic and systemic instruction and/or support resources.
    • Project B: Implement MTSS plan to address behavior/mental health needs of students and continue to refine MTSS plan to address future needs.
    • Project C: Implement protocols, practices, and supports to increase student attendance and immediately address students who are experiencing chronic attendance by providing school-based resources and staff to assist the student/family in improving attendance.
    • 2022–2025 Superintendent Goals Article 2
  • Goal 3: Facilitate systems and implement actions/projects that ensure high quality educational programs for all students while closing achievement gaps.
    • Project A: Develop a plan, a series of actions, and monitoring to address improved/increased mathematics achievement with a special emphasis in grades 3–6.
    • Project B: Implement MTSS plan to address academic needs of students and provide appropriate interventions to close gaps in achievement.
    • Project C: Continue refining literacy instruction (reading and writing) to meet the needs of new, struggling, and advanced readers.
    • 2022–2025 Superintendent Goals Article 3
  • Goal 4: Facilitate systems and implement actions/projects that ensure fiscal responsibility and positive collaboration with labor partners in order to maintain the resources necessary to create high quality learning environments.
    • Project A: Continue to implement principles of positive labor collaboration through the Labor Management Initiative (LMI) and expand activities to include more team members in the solution-focused, student-centered approach to challenges faced within the organization.
    • Project B: Revise and refine the district’s Facilities Master Plan tool to reflect current district needs and current facility demands to meet changes in the program and to maintain quality learning environments into the future.
    • Project C: Revise and refine the district’s Educational Specifications tool to reflect current program/instructional needs and current facility demands to meet changes in the program and to maintain quality learning environments into the future.
    • 2022–2025 Superintendent Goals Article 4